
2021-03-14 15:38 评论

1Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)

The living room and bedroom of Eon Felton’s new home are large and comfortable. The building has a new kind of green construction that is becoming popular in Europe. It is made of recycled shipping containers. The shipping containers bring goods back and forth between Asia and Europe. But the trade is mostly one way because it’s too expensive to send empty containers back thousands of kilometers. In the past, the empty containers became junk and a problem for the ports. Now the containers are used as a quick and cheap way to build homes, schools and offices.


Part B Role Play (角色扮演)







生词:stack 书架






Part C Retelling (故事复述)



package (包,袋)

store policy (店规)

manager (经理)

popular (受欢迎的)

sales star (销售明星)


Part B Role Play (角色扮演)


M:  Hello, Mary. Would you like to play table tennis this afternoon? 

W: I’m afraid not. I’m going to the library to work on our group project. 

M: My goodness. I almost forget this one. 

W: It’s due next Monday. My part is very difficult. I don’t know what to do. 

M: Me neither. What about having a group meeting to discuss it? 

W: That’s a good idea. Shall I say Friday afternoon? 

M: I’m fine with it. 

W:By the way. Do you know there are some lovely changes in our school library? We can have our group meeting in our school library now.



电脑回答:In the group learning spaces. The lecture hall on the 3rd floor has been turned into group learning spaces for students to study in groups. Each learning space is actually a small booth. It is provided with a desk, some chairs, a computer, and a whiteboard. These learning spaces are very popular now, so booking is required.


电脑回答:Students need to first check the availability on the library website and then file an online application. When you receive an email from the library, they need to reply and confirm the booking. There’s another interesting change in the library. The books are put on stacks of different colours by subject. Now there are different colour zones for books, red, yellow, green, and so on.


电脑回答:Red zone. I happened to borrow several books on Chinese literature yesterday. It’s much easier to find books now. Students just need to follow the colour and get to the right stacks quickly. By the way, there’s a new cafe on the ground floor, next to the entrance. We won’t need to worry about being hungry while studying in the library.


1.电脑提问:Where is Mary going this afternoon?

2.电脑提问:When is the group project due?

3.电脑提问:What is a group learning space provided with?

4.电脑提问:What do students need to do when they receive the email from the library?

5.电脑提问:On which floor is the new cafe?

Part C Retelling (故事复述)


Smaller Packages

Tom had a new job in a local grocery store. On his first day, an old woman walked up to Tom and asked whether she could buy a half package of carrots. Tom hesitated because it was against store policy. But the old woman explained that she lived alone, and one full package was too much for her. Tom decided to help her. He opened the package and sold half to her. The manager saw this and came to Tom. He told Tom that he must follow the policy. He warned that he would fire Tom if he caught Tom doing that again. Just at that time, another customer came and asked Tom whether she could buy the other half. She said a half package of carrots was exactly what she wanted. The manager heard this and then thought about it. He told Tom it might be a good idea to put the carrots and other vegetables into smaller packages. Tom did as the manager instructed. The smaller packages were popular among customers. The manager was very pleased to see many more vegetables sold than before. And Tom became the sales star of the day.




Part B Role Play (角色扮演)


M: Hello, Mary. Would you like to play table tennis this afternoon? 

W: I’m afraid not. I’m going to the library to work on our group project. 

M: My goodness. I almost forget this one. 

W: It’s due next Monday. My part is very difficult. I don’t know what to do. 

M: Me neither. What about having a group meeting to discuss it? 

W: That’s a good idea. Shall I say Friday afternoon? 

M: I’m fine with it. 

W: By the way. Do you know there are some lovely changes in our school library? We can have our group meeting in our school library now.



翻译:Where can we have a group meeting in the library?

电脑回答:In the group learning spaces. The lecture hall on the 3rd floor has been turned into group learning spaces for students to study in groups. Each learning space is actually a small booth. It is provided with a desk, some chairs, a computer, and a whiteboard. These learning spaces are very popular now, so booking is required.


翻译:How can we book a group learning space?

电脑回答:Students need to first check the availability on the library website and then file an online application. When you receive an email from the library, they need to reply and confirm the booking. There’s another interesting change in the library. The books are put on stacks of different colours by subject. Now there are different colour zones for books, red, yellow, green, and so on.


翻译:Which colour zone are the books on Chinese literature in?

电脑回答:Red zone. I happened to borrow several books on Chinese literature yesterday. It’s much easier to find books now. Students just need to follow the colour and get to the right stacks quickly. By the way, there’s a new cafe on the ground floor, next to the entrance. We won’t need to worry about being hungry while studying in the library.


1. 电脑提问:Where is Mary going this afternoon?

回答:She is going to the library.

2. 电脑提问:When is the group project due?

回答:It’s due next Monday.

3. 电脑提问:What is a group learning space provided with?

回答:It is provided with a desk, some chairs, a computer, and a whiteboard.

4. 电脑提问:What do students need to do when they receive the email from the library?

回答:They need to reply and confirm the booking.

5. 电脑提问:On which floor is the new cafe?

回答:On the ground floor.


Part C Retelling (故事复述)


Smaller Packages

Tom had a new job in a local grocery store. On his first day, an old woman walked up to Tom and asked whether she could buy a half package of carrots. Tom hesitated because it was against store policy. But the old woman explained that she lived alone, and one full package was too much for her. Tom decided to help her. He opened the package and sold half to her. The manager saw this and came to Tom. He told Tom that he must follow the policy. He warned that he would fire Tom if he caught Tom doing that again. Just at that time, another customer came and asked Tom whether she could buy the other half. She said a half package of carrots was exactly what she wanted. The manager heard this and then thought about it. He told Tom it might be a good idea to put the carrots and other vegetables into smaller packages. Tom did as the manager instructed. The smaller packages were popular among customers. The manager was very pleased to see many more vegetables sold than before. And Tom became the sales star of the day.






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