
2022-08-06 00:01 华研外语 评论

1. 特殊句型

➢ It's (is/has been) two years since he left China.

➢ It's (is) the first time that I have visited Shanghai.

➢ have/has been to … 曾经到过某地 

    have/has gone to … 去了某地

➢ Where there is a will, there's a way.

➢ It was not long before I forgot it all.

➢ need/want/require + to be done/doing 

➢ do nothing but do ; have no choice but to do

➢ The boy has his own idea of how to finish it.

➢ He is easy to deal with. / You are lucky to get there on time.

➢ In order to/ to so as to find a good job, we should study well.

➢ too… to / enough to do

➢ He is too young to go to school. / He is old enough to go to school.

➢ 独立成分: To tell you the truth, … (句子)

➢ To be fair, … (句子) / To be frank, … (句子)

➢ To be sure, … (句子) / To make matters worse, … (句子)

➢ be to do / be about to do / be going to do

➢ had better / best (not) do 

➢ 不得不: cannot but do / cannot choose but do / cannot help but do

➢ do nothing (= not do anything) but / except do 

➢ go / come + do egs. Please come sit here. / Go ask you mum.

➢ Why not do? (Why don't you do?)

➢ There's no time to do 

2. 主语的固定句式

➢ It must be pointed out that … 必须指出

➢ It is reported that … 据报道

➢ It is believed that … 大家相信

➢ It has been decided that … 经决定

➢ It is thought that … 大家认为

➢ It is take for granted that … 被视为当然的

➢ It's said that … 据说

➢ It is known that … 众所周知

3. 表示倍数的句型

➢ 倍数 + as… as

➢ 倍数 + -er + than

➢ 倍数 + the size (length; depth…) of the + n. 

4. 定语从句句型

➢ One who has nothing to fear for oneself dares to tell the truth. 

➢ Anyone who fails to finish the task given should be criticized. 

➢ Those who want to go to the Great Wall sign up here. 

➢ As everybody knows, Taiwan belongs to China. / Taiwan belongs to China, as everybody knows.

➢ one of + 复数名词 + 关系代词 + 动词复数; the (only) one of + 复数名词 + 关系代词 + 动词单数。例如:

  • Titanic is one of the most wonderful movies that have been produced in Hollywood. 

  • Titanic is the (only) one of the most wonderful movies that has been produced in Hollywood.

5. 主语从句句型

➢ It's true that the earth is round. / That the earth is round is true. 

➢ Whether he will come (or not) hasn't been decided. 

➢ Whoever leaves the office should tell me. / Anyone who leaves the office should tell me.

6. 表语从句句型

➢ China is no longer what she used to be. 

➢ What I wonder is who will be our team leader soon.

7. 宾语从句句型

➢ We think it (is) quite right that all the people ought to obey the laws.

➢ that 引导的从句: 

  • I could say nothing but I was sorry. 

  • He differed from other people in that he always looked father ahead in his work.

  • Your composition is quite good except that there are some spelling mistakes.

➢ 某些形容词后跟宾语从句:

  • I'm sure that he will win. / I'm not sure whether/if the news is true (or not).

  • I'm afraid that I'll be late.

  • He is glad that you passed the exam.

➢ 对……表示怀疑

  • I don't think you are right, are you?

  • I think he is right, isn't he?

  • I doubt whether / if …我怀疑……是否……

  • I don't doubt that… 我毫不怀疑……

  • There's no doubt that…

  • Without doubt, …

  • Undoubtedly, …

8. 比较级句型

➢ 比较级+ than any other + 单数名词。例如:

  • He is better than any other student in the class.

➢ 比较级+ and + 比较级。例如:

  • The earth is getting warmer and warmer.

➢ 越……就越……: the + 比较级……, the + 比较级……。例如: 

  • The more a man knows, the more he discovers.

  • The more works of his he read, the more freely he will understand his works.

  • The busier he is, the happier he feels. 

9. 祈使句 + ( , ) + and/or …


  • Use your head, and you'll find a way. 

  • Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus.

10. It 句型

➢ It is easy (difficult hard important right wrong possible) to do…

➢ It is a pleasure (pity, pleasant thing, crime, an hour…) to do sth.

➢ It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.

11. 非谓语动词句型

➢ To be fair, it is not all his fault. 

➢ Generally speaking, Super girls are popular with the middle school students. 

➢ Judging from his wearing, he must be an artist. 

➢ According to his report, the situation is getting serious. 

➢ There is/are (I/we) + (some) trouble, problem, fun, pleasure, a good time, a hard time (in) + doing sth.

➢ There's no harm, hurry, need, use (in) + doing sth.

➢ I suggested my staying here. / I suggested (that) he (should) start as soon as possible. / His expression suggested he got angry.

➢ make oneself done ; 

➢ have / get sth. do / done ; 

➢ leave / keep / have sb. do / doing ; 

➢ find sth doing / done ; find sb. doing

12. 不定式句型

➢ It's easy… for sb. to do…

➢ It's clever… of sb. to do …

➢ It's a pity… to do…

➢ It takes sb. some time to do…

➢ V. + doing & V. + (sb./sth.) to do

  • consider doing 考虑做 consider sth./sb. to do 认为

  • remember doing 记得做过 remember to do 记得去做

  • forget doing 忘记做过 forget to do 忘记去做

  • regret doing 后悔做了 regret to do 遗憾地去做

  • mean doing 意味着做 mean to do 计划, 打算做

  • stop doing 停止做 stop to do 停止去做

  • try doing 试着做 try to do 尽最大努力做

  • go on doing 继续做 go on to do 继续做另一件事

  • used to do sth. / would do sth. 过去曾经做 get/be used doing 习惯于做

  • can't help doing 忍不住做 can't help to do 不能帮忙做

➢ advise, allow, permit, forbid sb. to do / sb. be ~ed to do…

  • advise, allow, permit, forbid doing 

  • promise to do sth. / promise sb. to do sth.

➢ hope to do / expect sb. to do

➢ I want something to read. / I want read something.

➢ 宁愿…而不愿…

  • prefer + n. + to + n.

  • prefer doing + to(介) + doing 

  • prefer to do sth. rather than (to) do sth.

  • would /had rather (sooner) + do sth. + than + do sth. 

  • would rather (not) do sth. 宁愿做

  • would rather sb. did 要做(虚)

➢ seem, appear, prove to do / to be doing / to have done

➢ happen to do, happen to sb.

➢ consider, believe, feel, make, find, know, regard it … to do

➢ We want to watch TV instead of (而不是) do our homework. instead of doing

➢ 最好做…… had better/had best + (not) do sth.

➢ Although there are many difficulties, we are still determined to carry out the task. Despite many difficulties, we are still determined to carry out the task.

13. 不定式作定语


  • He is looking for a room to live in.

  • Please pass me some paper to write on.

  • He has no money and no place to live. / I think the best way to travel is on foot.

  • There is no time to think. / You are the first (person) to come.

  • I want something to read.

14. 感官性动词不定式省略to, 


➢ feel, hear, listen to, watch, look at, make, sb. do…

➢ sb. be ~ed to do

15. 动名词句型

➢ I have / There is / are (some) trouble, difficulty, problem, fun, pleasure, a good time, a hard time (in) doing / with sth.

➢ There is no harm, hurry, need, use, good (in) doing sth.

➢ sb. spend some time (in) doing / on sth.

➢ It is (of) no use, good, useless doing …

➢ sth. want / need / require doing / to be done …

➢ be busy (in) doing sth. / be worth (in) doing sth. 

    be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done 

16. -ing 形式的时态、语态和否定


  • Thank you for having helped me so much.

  • I don't remember having received his letter. 

    = I don't remember receiving his letter.

  • He went out without being noticed. / He insisted on not being sent to the hospital.

17. 虚拟语气句型

➢ I wish I did / had done / would (could) do…

➢ Lest + 主语should + V. (原形) they got up early lest they should miss the rain.


18. 强调句句型

➢ It's …(被强调内容) that… ; (陈述句,强调物) It's …(被强调内容) that/who …(强调人)

➢ Is / Was it … that…? (一般疑问句); Wh- is /was that…?(特殊疑问句) 

➢ It's not until + 被强调内容 + that… 

➢ It is the place where-cl(强调定语从句)

➢ It's because-cl(强调状语从句) that…

19. 倒装句句型

➢ Only + 状语(词/短语/从句) + 助动词/be + 主语。例如:

  • Only in this way can we work out the problem. 

  • Only here can we step in. 

  • Only when he comes back , could we start eating. 

➢ Only + 主语(不倒装)。例如:

  • Only you can go with me.

➢ Were / Should / Had + 主语 + … + " , " + 主句 = If + 主语 + were / should / had…; 

➢ Not until all the people get on it will the bus go. 

➢ as 句型。例如:

  • Young as he is, he knows a lot of things.

  • King as he is, but he is unhappy.

➢ 一……就……:hardly… when…; scarcely… when…; no sooner… than…。例如:

  • Hardly did he see me when he ran away.

20. 省略句句型

➢ If necessary / possible…, the boss will go by himself. 

➢ When in trouble, he always asked me for help. 

➢ Though surrounded, the solders didn't give up.

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